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Junior School


From Years 1 to 6 the curriculum progresses towards more discrete subject areas. The school will investigate the opportunities offered through the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. All skills involved in literacy learning, including reading, writing, spelling and communication skills will be taught both explicitly as well as through an integrated approach.

Children will be working in mixed ability groups whilst receiving differentiated instruction to allow all students to be challenged and literacy support will be provided to those who need additional assistance in these crucial early years. Mathematics teaching will feature a variety of methods of instruction, from student-centred group or whole-class discussions, small-group investigations, to individuals working one-on-one with another student or the teacher. This classroom interaction helps build relationships among students and between students and the teacher and goes some way towards addressing the varied learning styles and ability levels found in the mathematics classroom. At Alamanda, children will be encouraged to be caring and responsible people, who work and cooperate with others while acquiring vital knowledge and skills. We will place a strong emphasis on the core subjects of Literacy, Numeracy, Science, History/Geography, Information & Communications Technology, Health and Philosophy. Our classrooms will be modern and well equipped with up-to-date technology including personal iPads. The core curriculum will be supported by a range of specialist teachers contributing to a broad and balanced curriculum. Research tells us that a positive partnership between parents and the school is one of the most powerful contributors to enhanced student outcomes. At Alamanda, we will embrace parental involvement and work with the benefits this will bring.